Secret Age

Leke Karşıtı Yüz Kremi 2’li Kampanya

2,400.00TL 1,600.00TL Save 800.00TL
Tax included.

Radiant Glow Leke Karşıtı Yüz Kremi ile Filtresiz Güzellik!

Cildinizi anında canlandırıcı serimizle buluşturun ve lekesiz, eşit bir cilt tonu elde edin. Cilt tonu eşitsizlikleri, güneş lekeleri, çiller, sebebi bilinmeyen leke ve kızarıklıklar gibi tüm cilt kusurlarını geride bırakın, aynaya özgüvenle bakmanın keyfini çıkarın! Doğanın gücüyle formüle edilen Secret Age Leke Karşıtı Yüz Kreminin içeriğiyle tanışın.

INST’TIGHT™ ile Kusursuz Filtre Efekti 

Honey Locust meyvesinden elde edilen INST’TIGHT™C, cildi anında sıkılaştırmaya ve pürüzsüzleştirmeye  destek olur. Cilt tonunu gerçek  bir Instagram filtresi gibi pürüzsüzleştirir ve gün boyu süren bir canlandırma sağlar.

B-White™  ile Fazla Melanin Üretimine Müdahele

B-White teknolojisi ile melanin üretimini sınırlandırarak cilt rengindeki koyu lekeleri aydınlatır. TRP1, TRP2 ve tyrosinase gibi enzimlerin aktivitesini azaltarak ciltte fazla melanin üretimini kısıtlar ve cilt ton farklılıklarının, koyuluk ve kararmaların önüne geçmeye destek olur. Cildin beyazlatma ve aydınlatma kapasitesini doğal yollarla artırır. Yaşa bağlı lekeleri ve cilt tonundaki eşitsizlikleri minimize eder.

Melasma ve Güneş Lekeleriyle Vedalaşın

Sadece Batı Kuzey Amerika’da yetişen ve melasma tedavisinde kullanılan Rumex Occidentalis Özü ile güçlendirilmiş formülü sayesinde melasmanın ve güneş lekelerinin ortaya çıkmasına sebep olan tirozinaz enziminin yayılmasını engeller bu sayede cilt tonunu düzenler ve var olan lekeleri gidermeye yardımcı olur.

Elix-IR™ Sayesinde Dört Mevsim Leke Karşıtı Yüz Kremi Kullanım Rahatlığı

%100 Knotgrass bitkisinden elde edilen  ve ornagik bazlı güneş koruma sağlayan Elix-IR™, SPF’nin aksine UV filtrelemesi sağlarken cildin endokrin yapısına zarar vermez ve alerji riski taşımaz. Zararlı UV ışınları ve mavi ışını filtrelerken,  vücudun doğal D Vitamini üretimi sürecine müdahele etmez. Fotoyaşlanma karşıtı etkisiyle cildin erken yaşlanmasını engellemeye destek olur ve güneş ışını kaynaklı cilt lekelenmeleri ve ton eşitsizliklerinin önüne geçmeye destek olur.

Ciltte soyulmaya yapmadan, cildin alt tabakalarına nüfuz eder. Güneş koruyucu etkisi ile yaz kış kullanıma uygundur.

Hızlı Emilim, Suya Karşı Dayanıklı Hafif Formül, Eşsiz Doku

Radiant Glow Leke Karşıtı Yüz Kremi, cildinizin doğal parlaklığını ortaya çıkarırken hafif dokusuyla kullanım rahatlığı sağlar. Suya ve terlemeye dayanıklı formülü ile dört mevsim kullanıma uygundur.

Tüm Cilt Tiplerinde Kusursuz Sonuç

Zararlı kimyasal içermeyen özel formüllerimiz tüm cilt tiplerine uyumludur.

-          Hassas Ciltler

-          Kuru Ciltler

-          Karma Ciltler

-          Yağlı Ciltler

-          Akne Eğilimli Ciltler

Nasıl Kullanılır?

Temizlenmiş yüze yeterli miktarda leke karşıtı krem uygulayın. Sabah ve akşam kullanımı içindir.

Product information


SECRET AGE KOZMETİK SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ is the owner of all pages in the domain name (“ Site ”).

Those (" Users ") who want to use the Site and the services offered on this Site (" Service(s )") must carefully read these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy on the Site before starting to use the Site.



Intermediary Service Provider: Refers to real and legal entities that provide the electronic commerce environment for the economic and commercial activities of others as defined in the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563.

Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce: It refers to the Law on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce No. 6563.

Privacy Policy: Refers to the Privacy Policy published on the Website and/or Mobile Applications.

Customer: The person who makes purchases from the SITE.

Distance Contracts Regulation: It refers to the Distance Contracts Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated 27 November 2014.

Mobile Applications: Refers to the Company's mobile applications that run on smart devices with Android or iOS operating systems.

Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages: It refers to the Regulation on Commercial Communication and Commercial Electronic Messages published in the Official Gazette dated 15 July 2015. 

Member: Person who is a member of the SITE. Address and contact information used while members shall prevail.

Website: It refers to the website and all pages and Mobile Applications linked to it.

[ Regulation: It refers to the Regulation on Service Providers and Intermediary Service Providers in Electronic Commerce published in the Official Gazette No. 29457 dated 26 August 2015.]




  1. Each User can only have one membership account, the same person cannot create more than one membership.
  2. Members accept and undertake to comply with these Terms of Use and all other rules published on the Website.


  1. Members accept and undertake that they will not make false or misleading statements regarding their identity and the information they provide when creating their membership account, including using a pseudonym.
  2. Members cannot give their usernames and passwords to other people or organizations. Members' right of use belongs only to them and cannot be made available to others and/or transferred. Otherwise, the Company reserves the right to compensation arising from such use. The Company may suspend or cancel the memberships of members who are found to be making such unauthorized use without any explanation. If other members suffer damage due to members' actions contrary to this article, the violating member will be responsible for this damage and the Company will not have any compensation or other liability.
  3. Members agree in advance that they will not reverse engineer the use of the Website or take any other action to find or obtain the source code, otherwise they will be responsible for any damages that may arise before the Company and third parties.




  1. The Company assumes no responsibility for whether the Website's software is free of any errors or whether the Website contains any viruses. If any damage occurs to the software and/or hardware elements used by the Users due to any software on this Website, the Company cannot be held responsible in this regard.


  1. All registered or unregistered intellectual property rights such as title, business name, trademark, patent, logo, design, information and method on the Website belong to the Company or its designated person and are under the protection of national and international law. Visiting the Website or using the services does not grant any rights to such intellectual property rights.
  2. The information on the Website cannot be reproduced, published, copied and/or transferred in any way. The whole or part of the Website cannot be used on another website without permission.


  1. Neither party will be liable to the other party for any failure or delay in fulfilling any obligation undertaken under these Terms of Use due to force majeure. Force majeure is any unforeseen and unavoidable event that is beyond the reasonable control of the parties.


  1. The Company may change the Terms of Use in whole or in part at any time. Changes will be valid from the date of publication on the Website. It is the responsibility of Members to follow the changes. Members are deemed to have accepted these changes by continuing to use the Website.
  2. Users and Members can contact the Company regarding the Terms of Use.

Address: Büyükdere Caddesi No 201 D 90 Levent Loft Residence, Istanbul, Turkey

These Terms of Use are subject to the laws of the Republic of Turkey. Members accept and declare that the Court and Enforcement Offices have exclusive authority to resolve any disputes that may arise regarding these Terms of Use.

Payment and Delivery

Payment and Delivery
1) You can benefit from our online single payment with your credit cards or installment opportunities that vary depending on your bank, through our website. For online payments, the amount will be debited from your credit card at the end of your order. In case of order cancellations due to possible order cancellation or stock problems, the refund will be made to your credit card within 3 business days.
2) Order Price Refund
In case your orders are canceled for possible reasons; Our company refunds the product price to your account and/or credit card within 14 business days. However, you must provide your bank account information and/or credit card information accurately and completely to our company's financial authorities. In exchange transactions, the shipping fee belongs to the SELLER, in return transactions, the shipping fee of 119₺ will be reflected on the BUYER.
3) Delivery
We strive to deliver the products you have ordered to cargo on the same day. For products that take time to supply, the cargo delivery time is 14 (fourteen) business days as stated in the product detail.
In order for the product delivery to be carried out without any disruption, please provide the address of your location during the day as the delivery address.
Your requests will be processed according to the delivery type you specified at the end of the order. Products from our Istanbul-based company will be sent by PTT Cargo company. Once your orders are approved, they will be delivered to the cargo company within 3 (three) business days at the latest. Cargo deliveries are only valid for Türkiye.
4) Payment Tracking
If the system in question cannot perform the transaction due to any problem, our visitor is informed of this situation on the payment page.
In case of any error at the specified address, the orderer is contacted regarding the order that cannot be delivered.
The validity of the e-mail address specified by our visitor is confirmed by the automatic e-mail sent after the order is transferred.
We have a responsibility to the bank whose credit card system we use, as well as to the customer, regarding the delivery.
Please be carefull!
Open and check the packages that you think were damaged during shipment in front of the representative of the company you received them from. If you think there is any damage to the product, do not receive the product by keeping a report with the cargo company.
Once the product is received, it is assumed that the cargo company has fully fulfilled its duty.
If the product is damaged: Send the report you have prepared to the e-mail address as soon as possible.
If you complete these procedures, we will start working on your package and ensure that the delivery is repeated as soon as possible.
If you briefly explain in this e-mail why you want to return the product, you will help us in our work on the product.

Distance Selling Agreement

This Agreement has been signed between the following parties within the framework of the terms and conditions specified below.
A. 'BUYER' ; (hereinafter referred to as "BUYER" in the contract)
B. 'SALES PERSON' ; (hereinafter referred to as "SELLER" in the contract)
ADDRESS: Büyükdere Cad. No 201 D 90 Levent Loft Residence, Istanbul, Turkey
By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that if he approves the order subject to the contract, he will be obliged to pay the price subject to the order and additional fees, such as shipping fee and tax, if any, and that he has been informed about this.
In the implementation and interpretation of this agreement, the terms written below will express the written explanations opposite them.
MINISTER : Minister of Customs and Trade,
MINISTRY : Ministry of Customs and Trade,
LAW : Law on Consumer Protection No. 6502,
REGULATION : Distance Contracts Regulation (OG: 27.11.2014/29188)
SERVICE : The subject of any consumer transaction other than the provision of goods made or promised to be made in return for a fee or benefit,
SALES PERSON : The company that offers goods to the consumer within the scope of its commercial or professional activities or acts on behalf or on behalf of the offerer of goods,
BUYER : A natural or legal person who acquires, uses or benefits from a good or service for commercial or non-professional purposes,
SITE : SELLER's website,
ORDERER: The real or legal person who requests a good or service through the SELLER's website,
AGREEMENT : This contract concluded between the SELLER and the BUYER,
GOODS : It refers to the movable goods subject to shopping and software, sound, image and similar intangible goods prepared for use in electronic environment.
This Agreement regulates the rights and obligations of the parties in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law No. 6502 and the Regulation on Distance Contracts regarding the sale and delivery of the product whose qualities and sales price are specified below, which the BUYER ordered electronically through the SELLER's website.
The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.
Address : Büyükdere Cad. No 201 D 90 Levent Loft Residence, Istanbul, Turkey
Phone: 0212 318 07 02
To be delivered to: ...
Delivery address: ...
Telephone: ...
Email/username: ...
Name/Surname/Title: ...
Address: ...
Telephone: ...
Email/username: ...
1. The basic features (type, quantity, brand/model, color, quantity) of the Good/Product(s)/Service are published on the SELLER's website. If a campaign has been organized by the seller, you can review the basic features of the relevant product during the campaign. It is valid until the campaign date.
7.2. The prices listed and announced on the site are the sales price. Declared prices and promises are valid until updated or changed. Prices announced periodically are valid until the end of the specified period.
7.3. The sales price of the goods or services subject to the contract, including all taxes, is shown below.
Product Description: ...
Piece: ...
Unit price: ...
Subtotal (VAT included): ...
Shipping Amount: ...
Total : ...
Payment Method and Plan: ...
Delivery address: ...
To be delivered to: ...
Billing address: ...
Order date: ...
Delivery date: ...
Delivery method: ...
7.4. The shipping fee, which is the cost of shipping the product, will be paid by the SELLER.
Name/Surname/Title: ...
Address: ...
Telephone: ...
Fax: ...
Email/username: ...
Invoice delivery: After the order, the invoice will be delivered to your e-mail address as an e-archive invoice.
9.1. BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she has read the preliminary information regarding the basic characteristics of the product subject to the contract, sales price and payment method and delivery on the SELLER's website, and has given the necessary confirmation electronically. BUYER's; He/she accepts, declares and undertakes that he / she confirms the Preliminary Information electronically and obtains the address to be given by the SELLER to the BUYER before the establishment of the distance sales contract, the basic features of the ordered products, the price of the products including taxes, and the payment and delivery information accurately and completely. .
9.2. Each product subject to the contract is delivered to the BUYER or the person and/or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER within the period specified in the preliminary information section on the website, depending on the distance of the BUYER's residence, provided that it does not exceed the legal period of 30 days. If the product cannot be delivered to the BUYER within this period, the BUYER reserves the right to terminate the contract.
9.3. SELLER undertakes to deliver the product subject to the contract completely, in accordance with the qualifications specified in the order, and with warranty documents, user manuals, if any, and information and documents required for the job, and to perform the job within the principles of accuracy and honesty, free from any defects, in accordance with the requirements of legal legislation, in accordance with the standards. accepts, declares and undertakes to maintain and improve the quality of service, to show the necessary care and attention during the performance of the work, and to act with prudence and foresight.
9.4. The SELLER may supply a different product of equal quality and price by informing the BUYER and obtaining his express approval before the contractual performance obligation expires.
9.5. The SELLER accepts, declares and undertakes that if it becomes impossible to fulfill the product or service subject to the order and cannot fulfill its contractual obligations, it will notify the consumer in writing within 3 days from the date of learning of this situation, and will refund the total price to the BUYER within 14 days.
9.6. BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that he/she will confirm this Agreement electronically for the delivery of the product subject to the contract, and that if the price of the product subject to the contract is not paid for any reason and/or is canceled in the bank records, the SELLER's obligation to deliver the product subject to the contract will end.
9.7. If the price of the product subject to the contract is not paid to the SELLER by the relevant bank or financial institution as a result of unfair use of the BUYER's credit card by unauthorized persons after the delivery of the product subject to the contract to the BUYER or to the person and/or organization at the address indicated by the BUYER, the BUYER shall purchase the product subject to the contract. He accepts, declares and undertakes that he will return it to the SELLER within 3 days, at the shipping expense of the SELLER.
9.8. The SELLER accepts, declares and undertakes to notify the BUYER of the situation if it cannot deliver the product subject to the contract within the time limit due to force majeure situations that develop beyond the will of the parties, are unforeseen and prevent and/or delay the parties from fulfilling their obligations. The BUYER also has the right to request from the SELLER to cancel the order, replace the product subject to the contract with a similar one, if any, and/or postpone the delivery period until the hindering situation disappears. If the order is canceled by the BUYER, the product amount will be paid in cash and in full within 14 days for the payments made by the BUYER in cash. For payments made by the BUYER by credit card, the product amount will be returned to the relevant bank within 14 days after the order is canceled by the BUYER. BUYER warns that the average process for the bank to reflect the amount returned to the credit card by the SELLER to the BUYER's account may take up to 2 to 3 weeks, and since the reflection of this amount to the BUYER's accounts after it is returned to the bank is entirely related to the bank transaction process, the BUYER should contact the SELLER for possible delays. accepts, declares and undertakes that it cannot be held responsible.
9.9. SELLER's communication, marketing, notification and communications through letters, e-mails, SMS, telephone calls and other means through the address, e-mail address, landline and mobile phone lines and other contact information specified by the BUYER in the site registration form or updated by him later. has the right to reach the BUYER for other purposes. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts and declares that the SELLER may engage in the above-mentioned communication activities towards him/her.
9.10. BUYER will inspect the goods/services subject to the contract before receiving them; dents, broken, packaging torn, etc. Damaged and defective goods/services will not be received from the cargo company. The goods/services received will be deemed to be undamaged and intact. The BUYER is responsible for carefully protecting the goods/services after delivery. If the right of withdrawal is to be used, the goods/services should not be used. The invoice must be returned.
9.11. If the BUYER and the credit card holder used during the order are not the same person, or if a security vulnerability is detected in the credit card used in the order before the product is delivered to the BUYER, the SELLER will provide the identity and contact information of the credit card holder and the previous month's statement of the credit card used in the order. or may request the BUYER to submit a letter from the card holder's bank stating that the credit card belongs to him/her. The order will be frozen until the BUYER provides the information/documents subject to the request, and if the said requests are not met within 24 hours, the SELLER has the right to cancel the order.
9.12. BUYER declares and undertakes that the personal and other information provided while subscribing to the SELLER's website is accurate, and that the SELLER will compensate all damages that the SELLER may incur due to the untruth of this information, immediately, in cash and in lump sum, upon the first notification of the SELLER.
9.13. BUYER accepts and undertakes to comply with the legal regulations and not to violate them while using the SELLER's website. Otherwise, all legal and criminal liabilities that may arise will be entirely and exclusively binding on the BUYER.
9.14. BUYER cannot use the SELLER's website in any way that disrupts public order, violates general morality, disturbs or harasses others, for an unlawful purpose, or in a way that violates the material and moral rights of others. In addition, the member cannot engage in any activity (spam, virus, trojan horse, etc.) that prevents or complicates the use of the services by others.
9.15. Links may be provided through the SELLER's website to other websites and/or other content that are not under the SELLER's control and/or owned and/or operated by other third parties. These links are provided to provide ease of navigation to the BUYER and do not support any website or the person operating that site and do not constitute any guarantee for the information contained in the linked website.
9.16. The member who violates one or more of the articles listed in this contract will be personally and criminally and legally responsible for this violation and will keep the SELLER free from the legal and criminal consequences of these violations. Moreover; If the incident is referred to the legal field due to this violation, the SELLER reserves the right to claim compensation against the member for non-compliance with the membership agreement.
10.1. BUYER; In case the distance contract is related to the sale of goods, it can exercise its right of withdrawal from the contract by rejecting the goods without assuming any legal or criminal liability and without giving any justification, provided that it notifies the SELLER, within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the product to itself or to the person/organization at the address indicated (Change In return transactions, the shipping fee belongs to the SELLER, in return transactions, the shipping fee will be reflected to the BUYER.) In distance contracts regarding service provision, this period starts from the date of signing the contract. The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in service contracts where the performance of the service begins with the approval of the consumer before the right of withdrawal expires. By accepting this contract, the BUYER accepts in advance that he has been informed about the right of withdrawal.
10.2. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, written notification must be made to the SELLER by registered mail, fax or e-mail within 14 (fourteen) days and the product must not be used within the framework of the "Products for which the Right of Withdrawal cannot be Exercised" provisions set out in this contract. If this right is exercised,
a) The invoice of the product delivered to the third party or the BUYER, (If the invoice of the product to be returned is corporate, it must be sent together with the return invoice issued by the institution when returning it. Order returns whose invoice is issued on behalf of institutions cannot be completed unless the RETURN INVOICE is issued.)
b) Return form,
c) The products to be returned must be delivered complete and undamaged, including their box, packaging and standard accessories, if any.
d) The SELLER is obliged to return the total price (lack of cargo amount in return transactions) and the documents that put the BUYER in debt to the BUYER within a period of 10 days at the latest after receiving the notice of withdrawal, and to receive the goods back within 20 days.
e) If there is a decrease in the value of the goods or a return becomes impossible due to a reason arising from the BUYER's fault, the BUYER is obliged to compensate the SELLER's damages in proportion to the fault. However, the BUYER is not responsible for any changes or deteriorations that occur due to the improper use of the goods or product within the right of withdrawal period.
f) If the campaign limit amount set by the SELLER falls below due to the exercise of the right of withdrawal, the discount amount used within the scope of the campaign will be cancelled.
Underwear bottoms, swimsuits and bikini bottoms, make-up materials, disposable products, goods prepared in line with the BUYER's request or clearly personal needs and that cannot be sent back, goods that are in danger of rapid deterioration or that may expire, are delivered to the BUYER. Products that are not suitable for health and hygiene to be returned if the packaging is opened by the BUYER after delivery, products that are mixed with other products after delivery and cannot be separated due to their nature, goods related to periodicals such as newspapers and magazines, other than those provided within the scope of the subscription agreement, instant fulfillment in the electronic environment In accordance with the Regulation, it is not possible to return the services provided or intangible goods delivered immediately to the consumer, as well as audio or video recordings, books, digital content, software programs, data recording and data storage devices, computer consumables, if their packaging has been opened by the BUYER. In addition, it is not possible to exercise the right of withdrawal regarding services that started to be performed with the approval of the consumer before the right of withdrawal expires, in accordance with the Regulation.
Cosmetics and personal care products, underwear products, swimsuits, bikinis, books, copyable software and programs, DVDs, VCDs, CDs and cassettes, and stationery consumables (toner, cartridges, ribbons, etc.) must be returned in unopened, untested, intact packaging. and they must be unused.
BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes that in case of default when making payment transactions by credit card, the card holder will pay interest within the framework of the credit card agreement with the bank and will be responsible to the bank. In this case, the relevant bank may take legal action; may demand the expenses and attorney's fees that may arise from the BUYER, and in any case, in case of default due to the BUYER's debt, the BUYER accepts, declares and undertakes to pay the damages and losses suffered by the SELLER due to the delayed performance of the debt.
In disputes arising from this contract, complaints and objections will be made to the arbitration committee or consumer court on consumer issues in the place where the consumer resides or where the consumer transaction is made, within the monetary limits specified in the law below. Information regarding the monetary limit is below:
Effective as of 01/01/2017, the value for applications to be made to consumer arbitration committees for 2017:
a) District consumer arbitration committees in disputes under 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras,
b) Provincial consumer arbitration committees in disputes between 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras and 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras in provinces with metropolitan status,
c) Provincial consumer arbitration committees in disputes under 3,610 (three thousand six hundred and ten) Turkish Liras in the centers of provinces that do not have metropolitan status,
d) Provincial consumer arbitration committees are authorized in disputes between 2,400 (two thousand four hundred) Turkish Liras and 3,610 (three thousand six hundred ten) Turkish Liras in districts of provinces that do not have metropolitan status.
This Agreement is concluded for commercial purposes.
When the BUYER makes the payment for the order placed on the Site, he/she is deemed to have accepted all the terms of this agreement. The SELLER is obliged to make the necessary software arrangements to obtain confirmation that this contract has been read and accepted by the BUYER on the site before the order is placed.

Formula Compatible with All Skin Types

Formula Compatible with Every Skin Type

Secret Age, her cilt tipine uyumlu bitkisel formülü ile cilt bakım rutininizde dönüşüm sağlar. Doğal içeriklerle zenginleştirilmiş ürünlerimiz, cildinizi beslerken genç ve canlı bir görünüm kazandırır. Şimdi keşfedin ve cildinizin gizli güzelliğini ortaya çıkarın!

Product features

100% Herbal Formula

A fast and effective formula made entirely of vegan ingredients.

Antiallergenic Content

Antiallergenic content that does not contain harmful chemicals and is compatible with even the most sensitive skin.

Halal Certified

All our products are certified Halal by the World Halal Union.

Frequently Asked Questions


You can choose Mastercard, Visa, American Express.


Our contracted cargo is Yurtiçi Kargo.


After placing your order, it will be delivered within the next 3-5 business days. You can track your cargo on our cargo tracking page.


You can get instant support by contacting 0533 151 00 14.

Up to 50% Discounts
Surprise Gift Opportunity
Same Day Shipping
Up to 50% Discounts
Surprise Gift Opportunity
Same Day Shipping
Up to 50% Discounts
Surprise Gift Opportunity
Same Day Shipping


It Needs Real Solutions

Feel the difference of professional skincare with Secret Age.
